Thursday, August 22, 2013

Printing bandanas!

I finally finished carving my giant steamroller block today. I cut out the middle 20" of it and have used it to print my first ever bandanas.
It took some trial and error with inks and pressure to get a good print on the fabric. I'm still not sure that the ink I chose will ever dry and if it does, will it be stiff or soft? Will I be able to wash these things? All the answers will come in time. Meanwhile, I have this cool clothesline strung the length of my studio with some very colorful bandanas on it.

Monday, August 19, 2013

I'm a Steamroller, Baby!

Today I'm carving a three foot by three foot linoleum block for a steamroller project. That's right. We are going to print giant blocks on the street using a steamroller. This crazy event is being hosted by Asheville Bookworks on August 31st, 2013 from 1-5.